
Benefits of dé Secret
* As appetite suppressant
* As thirsty quencher
* Cleanse digestive tract
* Reduce obese problem
* Reduce secretion of gastric acid
* Stimulate metabolism
* Aid in burning calories
* Increase food satisfaction
* Convert carbohydrates to energy
* Help in building stronger and healthier teeth and bones

Ingredients of dé Secret
1. Coffee powder
2. Hoodia cactus extract
3. P57 (Glycoside)
4. Evening primrose
5. Cocoa fibre
6. Vitamins B complex (B1,B2,B6,B12)
7. Calcium
8. Magnesium

Coffee powder
Coffee contains caffeine which will stimulate metabolism rate in body. This will burn up calories that cause obese. Caffeine also breaks down fat, releasing fatty acids which are immediately burned. This boosts up the conversion of fat to energy. The presence of antioxidants in coffee help in quenching free radical that causes cell damage. Coffee powder is able in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Hoodia cactus extract
Hoodia cactus has been widely used by people in South Africa as a natural appetite suppressant and thirsty quencher. By consuming hoodia cactus extract, it will stops the hunger feeling as well as removing the normal tiredness and weakness feeling during diet. It is also able to cleanse accumulated waste and bacteria in digestive tract. It is also able to reduce acne and obesity safely and naturally.

P57 (Glycoside)
P57 (glycoside) is an ingredient isolated from Hoodia, it is responsible for appetite suppressant effect. Besides that, P57 is able to inhibit the production of gastric acid in stomach. By limiting the secretion of gastric acid, it is able to suppress one appetite.

Evening Primrose
Evening primrose is able to stimulate the metabolism to aid the body in burning more calories. Besides that, evening primrose can gives a softer, smoother and acne free skin.

Cocoa Fibre
Cocoa fibre is effective in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Moreover, a diet with high fibre content may make a meal feel larger and one may stay full for a longer time. In other word, it increases food satisfaction. Another benefit of cocoa fibre is that it contributes lesser calorific value compared to the same volume of food which helps in reducing the intake of calorie.

Vitamins B complex (B1,B2,B6,B12)
Vitamin B complex included B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B6 (Pyrixine) and B12 (Cobalamins). This series of vitamin B complex is needed for the body to function properly. They play role in cell metabolism, immunity and nervous system functions. Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 help in the correction and the regulation of nervous system’s function. Another benefit of vitamin B complex is to relieve stress and anxiety. Vitamin B complex is needed to help convert the carbohydrates into glucose and then convert it into energy.

Dietary calcium has widely associated weight loss. It promotes fat loss, excretes dietary fat, and prevents fat storage. It also increases the rate of metabolism which helps to burn off excess calories. Furthermore, it is able to increase the High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) in the body which is a type of good cholesterol. Besides that, calcium is an important mineral for teeth and bone building.

Dietary magnesium is an essential mineral nutrient for life. It is needed in keeping muscle and nerve functioning normal and heart beat rhythmic. Magnesium helps in regulating blood sugar levels by promoting normal blood pressure and increasing metabolism rate. The laxative property of magnesium helps in relaxes the intestinal muscle which brings sound relief for severe constipation. Furthermore, magnesium is needed in keeping a bones.

How To Consume:
Consume it before the breakfast 30 min. Mixed with 150 ml-200 ml into warm water.